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Zur Übersicht der Pressespiegel nach Jahren > 1983 > 04 > 20     vorheriger Artikel | nächster Artikel
ÜberschriftAn in-service teacher training programme for primary school teachers is well under-way. A 300 percent increase in the number of university levei schofarships enables many students to study abroad. The es-tablishment of an agro-industria I plant hás made it possible to process local f rui t s and vegetables. The organisation of a natiojial fishing fleet, the es tablishment of a fishing school and a fish processing plant form the basis of a fishing industry. A coffee processing plant hás been com-pleted. Local artisans and craftspersons now have an outiet for their work at Grencraft, the new Handicraft Industry. Other fornis of artisíic expression can now be channdled into the National Per-forming Company that won high acclaim at the 1981 Carifestaand toured England, the United States and Canada last year.
MediumCaribbean Contact, Bridgetown
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten1
Seite im Pressespiegel20
AbstractRückschau auf die revolutionären Errungenschaften seit dem unblutigen Putsch des "New Jewel Movement" (NJM) unter Führung von Maurice Bishop vom 13. März 1979.
SchlagwörterAmerika, Gesellschaft, Grenada, Karibischer Raum, Karibischer raum, Sozialstruktur, Volkswirtschaft, Wirtschaft

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