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Zur Übersicht der Pressespiegel nach Jahren > 1983 > 06 > 31     vorheriger Artikel | nächster Artikel
ÜberschriftSeaga's mid-term...
ÜberschriftKINGSTON-Prime Minister Edward Seaga's Labour Party Government will mark its mid-term at the end df this month with a list of accomplishments which have seen an element of stability in the management of Jamaica's wayward economy, and a time when, in spite of the public opinion polls favouring his own leadership, Michael Manley's PNP is suffering from serious internal differences. He would be doing so against a background of yet an-other private meeting with President Ronald Reagan with whom he held talks on February 22 in Washington, and the still raging controversy among CARICOM countries, particularly Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago over the two-tiered currency exchange rate the JLP Government has been forced by economic circurnstances to introduce.
MediumCaribbean Contact, Bridgetown
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten1
Seite im Pressespiegel31
AbstractAllgemeine Zwischenbilanz über die politischen und wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse in Jamaika gegen Mitte der Amtsperiode von Premierminister Seaga.
SchlagwörterAmerika, Jamaica, Jamaika, Politik, Volkswirtschaft, Wirtschaft

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