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ÜberschriftGovernor-Genera's Address to People of Grenada
ÜberschriftFellow Grenadians, I speak to you today as your Governor-General, and as one who has great faith in the Grenadian people. I am confident that you will find the courage to put those tragic events of the past two weeks behind you, and join with me in the task of restoring our country to its normal peaceful way of life. At this trying period of our country's history we must be guided by thoughts of reconciliation, foregiveness and reconstruction. Our energies must be devoted to restoring the process of democratic life, true freedom and human dignity of all our people.
MediumSummary of World Broadcasts BBC, Reading
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten1
Seite im Pressespiegel64
AbstractReaktionen auf die Grenada-Invasion: Dominica
SchlagwörterAmerika, Dominica, Grenada, Internationaler Konflikt, Intervention, Pazifik, USA

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