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Zur Übersicht der Pressespiegel nach Jahren > 1983 > 19 > 97     vorheriger Artikel | nächster Artikel
ÜberschriftChilean Comment on Invasion of Grenada
ÜberschriftGood morning, listeners: It is a well-known fact that most Chileans want nothing to do with communists. This is because we Chileans have experienced in flesh and blood the dangers of Marxism during the three-year term of the former Popular Unity government. We know that it is not merely a doctrine, the reason given to justify the need to include the Communist Party in the political dialogue that the government is holding with sectors of national public opinion, encompassing opposition sectors as well as those that have supported the armed forces government these past 10 years. (...)
MediumSummary of World Broadcasts BBC, Reading
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten1
Seite im Pressespiegel97
AbstractReaktionen auf die Grenada-Invasion: Chile, Kommentar zur kommunistischen Ideologie in Grenada vor dem Putsch
SchlagwörterAmerika, Chile, Grenada, Internationaler Konflikt, Intervention, Pazifik, USA

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