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Zur Übersicht der Pressespiegel nach Jahren > 1979 > 25 > 51     vorheriger Artikel | nächster Artikel
ÜberschriftHolding the Sandinista keys of power
ÜberschriftOne of many questions yet to be resolved in Nicaragua, in the wake of the overthrow of Anastasio Somoza, is the extent to which the powers of government are to be divided between the five member ruling junta and the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN). According to the statutes of government issued shortly after the civil war, the junta is responsible for both executive and administrative functions. But as the organisation that not only was the military vanguard against Somoza but which • also administered many of the cities as they became liberated from the National Guard, the FSLN obviously has a powerful, if not predominant, role.
MediumLatin America Political Report, London
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten4
Seite im Pressespiegel51
AbstractArtikel des und über den FSLN, 12 Seiten.
SchlagwörterAllgemeiner Deskriptor, Amerika, Diktatur, Guerilla, Herrschaftsform, Militär, Nikaragua, Widerstand

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