Überschrift | An in-service teacher training programme for primary school teachers is well under-way.
A 300 percent increase in the number of university levei schofarships enables many students to study abroad. The es-tablishment of an agro-industria I plant hás made it possible to process local f rui t s and vegetables. The organisation of a natiojial fishing fleet, the es tablishment of a fishing school and a fish processing plant form the basis of a fishing industry. A coffee processing plant hás been com-pleted. Local artisans and craftspersons now have an outiet for their work at Grencraft, the new Handicraft Industry. Other fornis of artisÃic expression can now be channdled into the National Per-forming Company that won high acclaim at the 1981 Carifestaand toured England, the United States and Canada last year. |
Medium | Caribbean Contact, Bridgetown |
Land | Barbados |
Sprache | Englisch |
Erscheinungsdatum | 1983-02-15 |
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten | 1 |
Seite im Pressespiegel | 20 |
Abstract | Rückschau auf die revolutionären Errungenschaften seit dem unblutigen Putsch des "New Jewel Movement" (NJM) unter Führung von Maurice Bishop vom 13. März 1979. |
Schlagwörter | Amerika, Gesellschaft, Grenada, Karibischer Raum, Karibischer raum, Sozialstruktur, Volkswirtschaft, Wirtschaft |
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