Überschrift | Cuban Party and Government Statement on Events in Grenada |
Überschrift | We. will now read the declaration of the party and revolutionary Government of Cuba on the events in Grenada: As is now clear, for weeks or perhaps months, a deep conflict has been developing in the leadership within the ruling party of Grenada. When Maurice Bishop, principal leader of the party and Prime Minister of Grenada, made a brief stopover, of just 36 hours in Cuba, between the night of Thursday 6th and the morning of Saturday 8th of October, following official visits to Hungary and Czechoslovakia, he did not make the slightest reference in his conversations with comrade Fidel and other Cuban leaders to the serious disputes and differences that were taking place within the New Jewel [Movement], the name by which the ruling party of his country is known. Bishop thus gave proof of his dignity and of his respect for his party and for Cuba. (...) |
Medium | Summary of World Broadcasts BBC, Reading |
Land | GroÃbritannien |
Sprache | Englisch |
Erscheinungsdatum | 1983-10-22 |
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten | 1 |
Seite im Pressespiegel | 67 |
Abstract | Reaktionen auf die Grenada-Invasion: Kuba, Stellungnahme von Fidel Castro |
Schlagwörter | Amerika, Grenada, Internationaler Konflikt, Intervention, Kuba, Pazifik, USA |
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