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Zur Übersicht der Pressespiegel nach Jahren > 1983 > 19 > 85     vorheriger Artikel | nächster Artikel
ÜberschriftReaction to the Invasion of Grenada
ÜberschriftThe Revolutionary Patriotic Front (FPR) has issued a statement condemning the imperialist aggression against Grenada and appealing to the peoples of the United States, Honduras and Costa Rica. The following is the text of the statement: The FPR, in view of the aggression against Grenada by the imperialists and their lackeys in the Caribbean, set out its position. We consider the attitude assumed by the Reagan Administration and its lackeys of the Caribbean in attacking and invading the people of Grenada criminal and genocidal. Such an attitude confirms the imperialistic position of an Administration which, hypocritically and deceitfully, is leading its people to an unncessary sacrifice in defence against imaginary foes. (...)
MediumSummary of World Broadcasts BBC, Reading
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten1
Seite im Pressespiegel85
AbstractReaktionen auf die Grenada-Invasion: Nikaragua, Stellungnahme Sandinisten und Junta de Gobierno
SchlagwörterAmerika, Grenada, Internationaler Konflikt, Intervention, Nikaragua, Pazifik, USA

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