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ÜberschriftLusinchi sweeps the board
ÜberschriftJaime Lusinchi of Acción Democrática is the President-elect of Venezuela. Unofficial counts show him attracting 53% of the vote. His chief rival, former President Rafael Caldera (of the ruling Copei) attracted 36%. They were followed at a distance 'by the candidate oft the MAS (Movimiento al Socialismo), .Teodoro Petkoff, with 5%, Fourth came another left-wing aspirant, Jose Vicente Rangel of Nueva Alternativa, with 3.9%. The results, as predicted by us (WR-83-47), gave Lusinchi a narrower margin than the polls suggested, Caldera more than the expected 22%, and the left well under the 13% indicated by the polls. (...)
MediumLatin America Weekly Report, London
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten1
Seite im Pressespiegel60
AbstractInformationszusammenstellung zum vorausgesagten Wahlsieg des oppositionellen (sozialdemokratischen) Präsidentschaftskandidaten Jaime Lusinchi (Acción Democrática): Lusinchi's Einführungsrede, Berichte mit offiziellen Ergebnissen, Wahlanalysen und Kommentaren
SchlagwörterAmerika, Innenpolitik, Venezuela, Wahl

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