Überschrift | THE government of Guyana has tried to put a brave face on the recent declaration by the Royal Bank of Canada that it is pulling out of the country at the end of November, but that action remains an embarrassing blow for the govern-* ment. It has come hard on the heels of the government's humiliation at last month's TUC conference,'when that organisation passed out of the PNC control for the first time in two decades. The withdrawal of the RBC has reinforced the suspicion that the economic crisis is getting beyond the government's powers to resolve. (...) |
Medium | Caribbean Contact, Bridgetown |
Land | Barbados |
Sprache | Englisch |
Erscheinungsdatum | 1984-12-01 |
Anzahl Artikel-Seiten | 1 |
Seite im Pressespiegel | 44 |
Abstract | Abriss der gegenwärtigen innenpolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Lage in Guyana. |
Schlagwörter | Amerika, Guyana, Innenpolitik, Volkswirtschaft, Wirtschaft |
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